We "play for pay" and will share the philosophy and psychology that makes it possible for us and our clients to have fun while improving their performance and results. It's another way to recapture playfulness while achieving greater levels of productivity and success.
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Improving your performance and the effectiveness of your team members is best accomplished by first becoming aware of your individual and collective tendencies on matters such as motivation, poise, work habits, sociability, emotional maturity, assertiveness, competitiveness and stamina. Becoming aware of how you behave unconsciously provides the perspective that will allow you to capitalize on your positive attributes and take steps to minimize or avert the adverse consequences of your limiting behaviors and blind spots.
The Development Needs Inventory™ is a 360-degree instrument that is administered over the internet and designed to allow managers, supervisors and others in leadership positions to better understand their strengths and development needs. The information provided by the DNI™ will help facilitate the individual(s) growth and progress and as a result increase their effectiveness in the organization.
The Profile Evaluation will give you a handle on who’s who and what makes them tick in your business environment.
The Profile Evaluation will help you in hiring.
Have you ever hired someone who in the interview appeared to be the best candidate for the job only to learn later he was just a good talker? With the Profile Evaluation, you’ll spot a team player right off the bat.
The Profile Evaluation will help make existing employees more productive.
Have you ever wondered why someone who’s intelligent can’t seem to follow instructions? With the Profile Evaluation you’ll learn how each individual processes data so you can better communicate and train.
Have you ever promoted a good worker to a managerial position only to learn they couldn’t cut it? The Profile Evaluation takes the guess work out of promotions.
Have you ever become frustrated because you couldn’t get someone motivated? The Profile Evaluation unlocks the key to individual motivation. (It might be as simple as a pat on the back—or a day off to spend with the kids!)
The Organizational Needs Inventory™(ONI) allows for everyone’s input. It gives leaders a current picture of what the organization looks like in terms of its people and their perceptions. It sets a benchmark for the management team’s leadership and provides clear measurement of success into the future.
The ONI is a method for organizational leaders obtaining a basis for understanding: How employees describe their organization’s structure and their views about what an ideal organization would be.
The ONI is a method for organizational leaders obtaining a basis for understanding: How employees describe the predominant leadership style employed in their organization and their views about what the ideal leadership style would be.
The ONI is a method for organizational leaders obtaining a basis for understanding: How employees describe their organizational culture and their views about what the ideal organizational culture would be.
Here is where we help you take the findings from the assessment(s) within your organization and allow them to guide the clarity, direction and focus of your plan. The political, environmental, socio-economic and technological climate inform the strategy that emerges. Equally instructive are discoveries of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that affect your performance and affect and serve as a catalyst for your capacity to succeed.
Rapid change in the business environment continues to create an ever-increasing need for adept and effective leaders at all levels of organizations. As you seek to create the environment and culture that support attracting, developing and inspiring the most innovative, resilient and productive teams, you must engage in intentional identification of leadership potential. And then plan for its sustained development.
Differentiation of your products and services, your solutions and the experiences you deliver to clients is not accidental. It requires careful, detailed assessment and imagining, and proactive planning to develop integrated strategies and tactics that guide your sales and marketing activities. Planning your sales and marketing strategy, step-by-step is a prerequisite for increasing sales, achieving customer loyalty and improving cash flow.
Effective leadership demands that your organization create plans to insure it remain a viable going concern. Systems, processes and people need to be both protected and developed so that catastrophes, death, disability, turnover and retirement that affect the enterprise adversely, can be prevented and mitigated. We help you think about the potential consequences of transitions and change, and develop intelligent plans that will help you thrive.
You and your organization are consistently communicating to your associates and clients. Is the message that is being received consistent with your wishes? It's important that what you communicate be more than arbitrary or accidental. Shaping attitudes, the reception you receive, and the behaviors you elicit should be conscious and intentional. We help you create, capture and communicate plans that produce the behaviors and results you desire.
Execution of the most adept and carefully crafted plans is best accomplished when you and your team are able to attain and sustain high levels of motivation. We use tools and processes that are unequaled in their ability to help individuals and groups define, anticipate and expect success. And then, engage in becoming and doing whatever is required to enjoy both the journey and the results.
In our work with you, we will help you crystallize your personal and organizational goals and establish the mission critical activities that must be engaged in so that success can be achieved. We help you develop the courage and discipline to simplify, eliminate and delegate tasks. You are empowered and equipped to say "no" to people and engagements that are incongruent with your goals and priorities. And we help you become aware of habits of doing, communicating and not doing that help you dramatically improve your use of time and your ability to get more accomplished.
We will help you lead yourself and gain mastery of your own life. Integral to our process for helping you achieve personal and organizational goals is our focus on helping you dream, build desire, and set and achieve goals in every area of your life. It's the outgrowth of our recognition that you must be effective at achieving success in yoiur personal life if you are to be credible and effective in leading team members for greater outcomes.
With the help of our assessment process, we would have helped you gain a clear appreciation for the opportunities for improvement in yourself, your team members and your organization. As we engaged with you to think strategically and help you crystallize your plans , you would have identified goals, actual and potential obstacles , and you would have identified possible solutions and strategies for achieving your goals. It's at this point that we come alongside you to help you and your leadership team engage in our process to be developed to higher levels of leadership effectiveness. It's a process that involves refining your vision, goals , communication and people develpopment skills and the myriad competencies that together help you transform the thinking, belief and behavior of your entire organization.